
Open 7 days a week

Different locations

More than 90 years of experience


The rental prices are without obligation. The prices exclude fuel in euros and include VAT, insurance, car radio and the necessary papers for traveling within Western Europe. It is not permitted to drive by car in/through former Eastern Bloc countries or Balkan countries. A rental day is equal to a calendar day. The first and last rental days count as full rental days.

Available cars

The cars listed are included in our fleet. Reservations can only be made per class. Type can be reserved as a preference. We reserve the right to make an equivalent car available within a class. The list of rental cars in our program may be subject to change.

Driver / Renter

The driver/renter of passenger cars must be at least 21 years or older and have had a valid driver's license for at least 1 year. The passenger bus driver/renter must be at least 23 years or older and have had a valid driver's license for at least 1 year. Driving licenses with NON-Western script must be shown together with an international driver's license in Western script. We only rent on presentation of a valid driver's license and a recent (not older than 14 days) address identification in the form of a bank statement / letter from the tax authorities / gas bill / extract from the population register in the name of the driver / tenant. Identification is required; also for a possible second driver. This can also be shown digitally on a smartphone.

Insurance and Deductible

The cars are insured free of charge with a deductible of €800 per event.

For €15 per day, the deductible can be reduced to €350 per event.

If the renter / driver is younger than 24 years old, the deductible is € 1,600 per event. This can be reduced to €800 per event for €15.

For passenger buses, a deductible of €1,000 per event applies. For €17.50 per day, the deductible can be reduced to €400 per event.

If the renter/driver is younger than 25 years old, the deductible will be €2,000 per event. This can be reduced to €1000 per event for €17.50.

Flat tires and broken windows are entirely covered by your own risk.

Payment / Deposit

The rental amount must be paid in advance upon collection. We only accept the following credit cards as a guarantee: Eurocard / Mastercard, VISA, American Express, Diner's Club.

Return rental car

The car can be returned on the last rental day up to half an hour before closing time or the morning after the last rental day up to half an hour after opening time.

Pick up rental car

The car can be picked up from 8:30 am. If available, the car can be picked up the afternoon before from 4:30 PM until half an hour before closing time without extra costs.


Yperstraat 12
2611 SH Delft
phone: +31 (0)15 212 1419

Opening Hours Delft
mon t/m thu: 08h00 - 18h00
fri t/m sat: 08h00 - 20h00
sun: 08h00 - 12h00/19h00 - 22h00


Binckhorstlaan 130
2516 BE The Hague
phone: +31 (0)70 380 9094

Opening Hours The Hague 
mon t/m fri: 08h00 - 18h00
sat: 08h00 - 20h00
sun: 08h00 - 12h00/17h00 - 20h00

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